Ice cubes in the wind, ice cubes in the park, a guy in shorts issues
from a VW Bus to the cold stone bench. Dog runners, dog bark echoes
slack in the slap back distance. Soft dogbark echoes in the muffled
park. Traffic trembles and sighs, lights muffled by the cold wind.
Carol Cuntslick's luck. Carol with the cold eyes. The Donald's wet
sucker-like lips. The Donald lumbered with The Best. King of all
Surfaces. King of Money. The Donald before God. Negotiating with God
for ownership of half the universe. He dreams of negotiating for the
heavens. He would renovate the Heavens. Make the starlight more
efficient. Outsource the wind & the rain, hire demons for scale to work
the skies.
Ready willing & angel. Ready willing & angry. Angry & insecure
Waterburner brunettes. Central eclipselick stack. Reading books on
psychic investigations. Reading books that describe the afterlife in
Writing books in words that don't exist. To describe emotions never
described before. That tangelation you feel. The wellskin thrill. A
real oilcan jerryjack. I was entirly flitlixed I can tell you!