traveling in color space
on the border between RGB and CMYK
it takes a steady hand

you've got to switch over from additive to subtractive, at the exact right
moment. otherwise, you're lost to view and presumed destroyed. nobody ever
saw Hadron Harry and One-Eyed Pete again, anyway, but it's possible they're
still out there, their colors stripped, walking clear ghosts.

that's the thing about ghosts. they're supposed to be clear, but out of an
excess of ego or obsessive inability to let go, they remain slightly
chromatic, and it's that color that troubles the corner of the eye.

They have lost the ability to differentiate their own colors, which is an
inbred ability of the human organism in flesh, and so they appear in varying
intensities of white (which is a combination of all light-based colors).

Since CMYK is substractive, the substrate of that universe is a paper. Or
rather, a kind of "paper matrix" which uses reflected light from the RGB
universe as a medium for manifestation.

Everyone who uses CMYK has been dabbling in this other universal paradigm,
the underlayer, the underlier, the subtractive space of things, without even
knowing it. Toiling in the underlier-paradigm.

Ghosts, also, can only be seen with the rods. Your cones will not perceive a
ghost. A ghost must be seen using your scotopic vision, the colorless vision
of dim light. It's only official if you see it with your scotopic vision.

Scotopic vision is the thing that troubles children and creates all those
imaginative glimpses of witches and bears in the clothing on the doorknob or
the chair -- those licentious cones are angry they're being denied, and they
go apewire, hogshit, in the night. When you're a child, with a child's mind
and unstimulated cones, you would not believe the things you may see. (Well,
you probably would, since you probably saw them!)